Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Devil's Cowboy

The Devil's Cowboy
Mesh 1-10 (8.5)

The mesh is a basic cowboy hat.
Adding the skull in the middle made the rateing come from 7.5 - 8.5.

Texture 1-10 (5)

It is a basic texture of lava, and a darker gray skull.

Price 1-10 (7)

It was $200 and now just 3 days later, it is selling for over $600.

Overall 1-10 (7.5)

With a pretty good mesh and an alright texture. It is only 7.5.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Moar updatez.

I will not be on Roblox1010 for a while, due to a shiz load of projects and essays that I have to do over the next few weeks. God I hate high school. I want to see some good reviews by ALL of you, not just Gypsy. He gave you admin privileges, now make it up.

Good day.

-Tim Jasper (bobafettman)

Monday, January 16, 2012


So, bobafettman got banned cause of "ODing". I was talking to this girl on SFT, and we were having fun, mutually. Some noob came in and asked if we were ODing. I said no, so did the girl, and he said ok. We continued playing the game, and we fought eachother, I won, and she said, and I quote, "You're very good at this game. :)". I said, "Thanks. :D". And that noob is like, "OGM!!1 ODERS!!!!11!!!". And I have no idea how some where in the chat logs where it had any indication of ODing. So, I'm banned for a month. My alt, TheGuyWhoBloxedYou, will be in use. All staff, add him. And by the way, my alt met bhobson6 in a server of SFT. We talked, and we made friendship. :D

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hat Review "Stitches"

Mesh 1-10 (8.7)
This mesh is pretty well thought out let me begin with the Bandanna.
So the bandanna is pretty well amazing. It looks realistic and
the stitches add to the look. Now onto the hood, The hood is
detailed with a few stitches around the rim.

Price 1-10 (9.5)
200 R$ is really cheap for such a detailed hat. For the people
who can't afford it. I am deeply sorry, just save up for 200 days
than use trade currency.

Overall 1-10 (9.2)
This hat is amazing and I will soon purchase it. This conclued the
review of the hat "Stitches"
